Building an Investment Portfolio

Investing may sound like an activity for the wealthy, but it plays an important role in your financial journey at all levels of income…

Join us to learn about why having an investor mentality for finances is important, the main asset classes available, and the accounts that can protect your investments from taxes. Developing investment habits early will make a big difference in your long-term financial health.

The goal of “Getting Started with Investing” is to provide the foundational knowledge necessary to de-mystify investing and give you the confidence to make longer-term financial decisions.

You will learn about inflation and why it’s important to invest your money to stay ahead of it; the basic asset classes available and the relative risk of each; and the tax implications of various investment accounts and how you can use them to your advantage. Investing is not a get-rich-quick scheme, it’s a way to use the money you don’t need right now to work for your future, offering peace of mind for years to come.